Discover the Power of NuDebt

A Complete Debt Management & Settlement Solution

Another Selas Solution Powered by Salesforce

NuDebt is a packaged CRM solution for law firms, debt management, collections and related professionals. This complete, end-to-end debt settlement system was created by Selas Technologies, makers of leading-edge software such as NuLaw and NuPay, and built for the Salesforce platform.

It’s designed to run your entire collections business in one cloud-based software suite. Users can operate NuDebt’s sales and operations components individually or together, for a fully integrated solution.

Key Product Features

NuDebt was designed and refined to offer the features users want most.

Interfaces with multiple payment processors

Dedicated portals for owners and clients

Automatic calculations

Complex payment scheduling

Advanced reporting and dashboard resources

API integration with various clearing houses

Highly rated data safety measures

Developed for Key Industries

NuDebt can be fully customized to support a number of industries.

  • Law Firms
  • Debt Settlement
  • Debt Management
  • Credit Counseling
  • Student Loans
  • Credit Repair
  • Mortgage Servicers

Diverse Functionality & Useful Add-Ons

NuDebt can help with a wide range of business needs, including marketing, sales, negotiations, contracting, payment processing, customer service and client retention.

For clients who need additional functionality, add-ons are available for additional storage, direct document scanning, phone integrations, electronic contract/signatures, web portals for consumers and more.

What Can NuDebt Really Do?

Here are just a few real-world examples of our software in action:

Learn More About NuDebt

If you are interested in learning more or want to incorporate NuDebt into your company’s financial management systems, please use the contact form to get in touch.

Designed and Developed by Peak Seven